Thursday, June 3, 2010

Do Or Do Not

I woke up this morning feeling rested and refreshed, sprang out of bed with the agility of a 20 year old and raced to the mirror. Guess what?! I was still fat. A little deflated, yet surprisingly hopeful, I squeezed my butt into gym pants and drove to Gold's Gym to meet my new fitness trainer, Mike. I know I said "Wow" yesterday, but I have to say it again-- WOW. Let's just say I won't be dreading my Tuesday and Thursday morning workouts. Really, he's a very nice guy, and a quite the taskmaster. 

We focused on my upper body today, starting with lat pull-downs. It was what he called a "get to know you" workout. Now, let me say this-- if someone sets a bar for me expecting me to stay below it, I relish leaping over it and making it look effortless. So, Mike set the weight and I got started. The first few reps were easy enough. I mean, I was actually thinking "Nice, this will be on the easy side." I think one of Mike's many talents is mind-reading. Seriously, the force is strong with this one. As soon as the thought entered my mind I swear he knew. He bumped up the weight. I was able to finish the set but it definitely got more difficult and I broke a sweat-- oh dear. It felt great!!!

We worked on several more machines and by the time we got to working out my triceps, my arms felt like boiled noodles. If you do not know where the triceps are, suffice it to say that if they wave when you wave; they need work. I believe they are the most difficult muscle to work. I thought I was done doing tricep presses and we moved on to arm curls. Not too bad, got through those reps pretty well and then I was thrown the curve ball. Back to the tricep presses!!! I wasn't sure I could do any more tricep work, but told myself "I'll try". Then I remembered one of my favorite lines from "The Empire Strikes Back": "No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." Ah, Master Yoda! I finished the workout and didn't get sick or cry from pain! Laugh if you will, but I find the Star Wars and Rocky movies very motivational. 

Alas, If only there were female Jedi or I were young enough to be a prize fighter... wait, I AM a fighter. I am fighting the Flab Wars; I will not try.


  1. way to go, Elisa!!! I'm proud of you!!

  2. Okay, so I need a visual. What does Mike look like?

    I'm picturing a hunky (bulging muscles) dark haired man, with blue or brown eyes, around 6 ft tall.

    Am I close? Do I want to hear the truth or should I just stay with my fantasy visual? HA HA
